Monday, 28 September 2009

Old Fashioned Dating

It's been a peculiar week in my life. The prospect of a real, actual, old fashioned, semi-blind date has arisen. I realised just how typical it is in my lifestlye to use gay dating and profile websites to meet likeminded men. More often than not the internet trawl merely leads to meanlingless sex, or worse still, meaningless conversation.

So the situation that has arisen is as follows:
An old colleague and friend of mine lets on that his housemate has an interest in me. Which, I must say is pretty good for the ego, and a pleasant boost to my previously flagging confidence. I express an interest back even though we haven't really met before.

This friends of friends thing seems much more real, mysterious and romantic. The waiting game adds excitement, and actually, I get a little nervous about the actual day. okay, so I admit I didn't toally remove the cyber element of this dating situation. The mutual friend sent us both cheeky friend suggestions via Facebook.

So used to treating internet dating sites in the same way that I order take away: consume and throw out the packing. Having to wait a week for the date to occur is wonderfully frustrating and exciting. Perhaps this is only enhanced by the exchanges the mystery man and I have with each other through Facebook and text message. These interactions portray him as intelligent, witty, and endearing - I can figure that he likes silly and lame very detailed wordplay humour, and, luckily, so do I.

Right so the mysteriousness of the situation did possibly turn me into a crazed facebook stalker, trawling through photos and figuring out his social network and such, but I see no problem in this. Perhaps this anticipation has led me to imagine this man in too much a positive fashion? Perhaps I've set myself up for disappoint as all that I know of him currently I quite like. The anticiaption is bizarre. I quite like it.

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying the blind-internet-dating thing lately (with a little help from The Guardian & twitter) and have decided it is not for me. Even if I might actually be able to fall for those people under normal circumstances, the forced weirdness of a date just doesn't lend itself to the possibility of feelings developing for me. I think because the bit I love both of developing relationships is the growing realisation that you like someone and the do-they-don't-they messing around (frustrating though it is at the time).

    However, I do have a not-so-blind-date with a friend-of-a-friend this week, which, while still a date (I'm actually a little annoyed he asked me? Because I did think vaguely that I could develop feelings for him and now I'm worried that the scenario will mean that I don't; isn't that ridiculous?) will be of a slightly different type since we do already know each other.

    Very good luck with yours!x
